All posts by David Leach

About David Leach

Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, Director of the Technology & Society Minor at UVic

Blog #4: Personal Learning Network mentor

Your fourth and final Blog entry ties into your Personal Learning Document. I want you to identify, link to and describe a writer/thinker that you’ve found online and who you follow (on Twitter, Tumblr, a blog or news site, etc.) for information and insight in an area of technology & society that you find relevant — to your life, to your learning, and/or to your current research interests.

What makes them interesting and worth following more than other commenters? How do they use their form of media effectively to communicate? Why would you include them in your own Personal Learning Network as a source of inspiration and insight?

Blog #3 Assignment

For your third blog post, you have two options:

  1. Attend an IdeaFest (or other local) event or talk or demo or exhibition related to technology in the next week & write a short reflection of what you heard and learned.
  2. Watch a sci-fi movie that deals withe issues of technology & society & reflect on its vision of the future — and how it makes us think differently about our present society (so, choose a movie, like Her that is more than just a sci-fi adventure).

You can find links to events & a top 100 list of movies on the Syllabus.

Due before class begins.

Buy your books!

I just got a notice from the Bookstore that they will be returning unsold copies of textbooks, to save space, pretty soon. If you haven’t bought your copies of your 3 textbooks (what?!?), do so now — it could be very difficult to write a book review (or participate in our in-class discussion) without them.