Group Project

Augmented Reality Guide

This is a major focus on the entire course, with several stages. The goal is to work in a group of 6 to 7 students to create an “augmented reality guide” to a campus of the future. I will offer a few set guidelines, but you are welcome—after consulting with me!—to take a different approach or use alternative tools and techniques, as long as you reach at the same final destination: a creative and collaborative multimedia reflection on what (one part of) our educational system (and our society) will (or should) look like at least 20 years from now.


The default format will be to use the ARIS (Augmented Interactive Reality Storytelling) app to create a geo-locative narrative, guided experience, or interactive “game” that uses the campus as a setting and teaches users about what trends might reshape the different fields of knowledge represented by the university. This project will be fleshed out using multimedia resources and other research you do throughout the term.

During your group discussions, you might choose to do a similar project but in in another medium or using different software (eg, Twine, geocaching,  interactive website, video, etc.). You may also decide to extent the time-frame beyond 20 years into the future.

We may try to integrate all the different ARGs projects into a single large app/experience, or we may let groups develop their projects as entirely discrete enterprises.

Development Stages:

  1. Brainstorm & select themes / disciplines / technological trends
  2. Choose Groups & get assigned presentation dates
  3. Research & choose potential guest speakers (group)
  4. Research & choose reading / resource for presentation (individual)
  5. Develop and hand-in Design Document: Feb. 19 (group)
  6. Workshop design concept: Feb. 26 (group)
  7. Field test ARG designs: March 19 (group)
  8. Demo and present ARG designs to class: March 26, April 2 (group)
  9. FINAL: working versions of ARG projects due: April 2 (group)
  10. FINAL: Personal Learning Document, which should include discussion of what you learned from project: April 9 (individual)


The main goal is to get your to reflect critically, creatively and collaboratively on how technology will alter some of the fundamental disciplines and institutions in our society, as reflected by different departments and locations on the UVic campus. It will also be an opportunity to develop multimedia design skills and (fingers crossed!) create a legacy project through which other users can explore your thinking about technology and society—and the future.