Red Girl Says, I Listen

Through previous research for this class I ran into tech blogger Christina Bonnington. Since I am not technologically savvy or aware of what is going on the tech world, many blogs or articles tend to go straight over my head. After being able to actually understand what she was talking about I began to follow her on twitter (@redgirlsays). Christina’s twitter, vine videos and articles are hilarious and provide me with information I am actually interested in.


Christina Bonnington is one of the writers for Wired’s Gadget Lab, where you can find tons of information on any type of up and coming tech device. I found myself drawn to her articles as I am very interested in new apple products and iOS and she specializes in this area. She covers their apple rumor watch titled This Weeks Apple Rumors, Ranked from Dumbest to Most Plausible. This week’s edition can be found here.  After finding this blog and then specifically the articles written by Christina, I have found myself going back to casually browse and through this I have become more and more technologically aware.

I also find myself connecting with Christina personally through her comedic tweets and her passion for cycling. Her dedication to living a healthy life is something I relate to even though I am not a cyclist. The best part of following Christina is that she is extremely effective at getting her message across in a fun and occasionally sarcastic manner. Her articles and videos are short and to the point while also being entertaining and full of information I find useful.  I would definitely add Christina Bonnington to my personal learning document as my favorite online tech personality as she has and continues to provide me with entertaining insight into the world of technology that I was formerly very unfamiliar with.

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