I am going to be completely honest about this as there is no point in attempting to stretch the truth. I do not have a virtual mentor. I know that many people have one, but I just do not see a reason for one.

I do follow some interesting people on social media and YouTube. Most are critics for media such as TV, movies, and video games. Then there are others who do food related videos such as cooking and candy. However, I have never felt the desire to look up to them for what they do. To me, I find that being a mentor requires you to look up to them and requires them to be experienced with what they do. With all the people and sites I follow, I cannot see someone who is that experienced enough to be someone that I would follow for everything they have done.

The closest to following someone is Eatyourkimchi. I see them as a mentor for some on Korean culture, but I don’t see it applying to me.

I might have the definition mentor wrong, but to me I just do not have one.

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