Blog #2 Augmented Reality: Making your transit experience, an experience since 2013

Augmented Reality. To be honest I had to look up the definition, and according to wikipedia (because that’s trusty): It is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. What? (That was my first impression to be honest), but what can I say, I am not exactly the most tech savvy person out there. This was then followed by a google search (of course!) of the general term Augmented Reality.

Here’s what I found ( I honestly clicked on the first news article and it was extremely interesting): So apparently the Scots have developed a new very high-tech system that allows those daily transit commuters to access, essentially Wi-Fi, on buses simply by scanning your smartphone or tablet on the back of the seat. All you have to do to access the content is to download an “Augmented Reality” app. Hmm.. seems easy enough. So once passengers have done this, they are able to

“open up a channel of interactive videos with a choice of content including interviews with staff, information about services, view theatre trailers, buy theatre tickets or surf the internet”

In my opinion, its quite overwhelming to see just how far technology has come, and more overwhelming to think about where its going. As a patron of public transit myself, this concept is incredibly appealing, as it allows for a more interactive and productive bus ride.

So down to brass tax. Augmented reality: necessary to the evolution of mankind, or ultimately a crippling blow? I think I’d have to go with the former… but that’s mostly because I have a short attention span and sometimes the bus ride feels oh so long.

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