Hello my name is Trevor Hopton and I’m a second year sociology student. I am in this class because I took TS200 last year and liked it so much that I want to pursue this as my minor. Ive always been a big fan of technology of many forms. From a clock on your toaster to let you know how long till the toast is ready (yes mine has one and its awesome) to the cars of the future like the new Tesla line. I always love to get and tinker around with the latest tech to figure out how it works and how I can apply it to my daily life. My idea for a group project or discussion would be to talk about the classroom of the future. Bluntly a majority of the classrooms now are normal desks, chars ect and the newer ones have power plugs. But why don’t we expand on that? Why not have a fully integrated desk that is a computer. I don’t want to continue on or else I wont have anything to contribute to the discussion if we have one. Like I said I had professor Leach before and if this class is anything like the TS200 then I am extremely looking forward to this semester.