New Zoom Features Worth Checking Out

Yup, it looks like click-bait, but trust me – I’m getting no cash on the side 😉

Seems like a zillion years ago we all migrated to Zoom. Who knew we’d still be here? Well, a lot has happened since March 2020, and Zoom has been zipping along with updates and new features the whole time. (Check out my “Zoom” category for past posts.)

Today I want to look at two of the newer features. (Want to see for yourself? Check here for Zoom’s “What’s New” info.)

Advanced Polls and Quizzes

They’re not just for online learning! Polls and quizzes can be used for engagement in any meeting. Zoom has really stepped things up with Zoom Advanced Polls and Quizzes.

Tip: If you want to download responses and accurately attribute answers to specific users, make sure your users are logged in to Zoom. I wrote about this in Don’t Be a Zoom Guest

Bye Bye “Next Slide Please”

I think the only thing I hear more often than “You’re muted” is “Next slide please”. Both disrupt the flow of your Zoom meeting, and now we can address the latter with Zoom’s Slide Control feature.

This feature supports one person sharing the deck, who can then hand over control to whoever is presenting. This is really handy for team presentations!

I looked for a good video explainer, but you’ll have to endure my Friday-before-holidays effort instead. I hope it’s better than nothing!

Watch my demo of Zoom Slide Control

Tip: If you’re looking for online teaching tips, check out UVic’s Teach Anywhere site. It’s your go-to source!