One lunch hour a month, a few of us get together and watch some TED Talks. Sometimes this generates discussion, and sometimes not.. and that’s okay. We enjoy each others’ company and heck, we learn something new. For me, the last talk we watched hit home. Read on…
First we watched Ze Frank “nerdcore” standup routine. Some funny moments for sure, but kind of odd for a TED talk: here we are a week later and I’d have to watch it again to remember the serious part. I remember enjoying it but thinking it wouldn’t be one of my top talks. What do you think?
I love Dan Barber’s enthusiasm for his subject. We watched another of his talks a few months ago – How I Fell in Love with a Fish. Same message, different product: it’s about thoughtful and sustainable food production that is in line with nature. Both his talks highlight a farmer who is doing it right, and doing it beautifully. Why aren’t more doing it this way? (Thanks Selina, for the recommendations!)
I like Sally. She’s articulate, funny, and gets to the point. In this short talk she reminds us that what we click on shapes the internet and our online environment.
Check the TED Talk Lunch Schedule for the next lunchtime lineup.
Tammy, if you liked Dan Barber’s TED talks, you might want to check out the “Chef’s Table” documentary series on Netflix. There is a one-hour doc on Dan, his farm and restaurant, and his food philosophy. Fascinating.
Thank you for the suggestion Madeline 🙂 I will certainly check it out!