Marching to a new search engine

March’s TED Talk Lunch enjoyed a great turnout!  I wonder if encouraging people to show up any time during the hour and to stay for as many or as few talks as they like had something to do with it?  It was very nice to have everyone there 🙂

Here’s what we watched:

Not only is Kenneth Shinozuka a smart and thoughtful inventor, he’s a lovely grandson.

“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” is the premise for this talk.  She provides many examples of amazing achievments in flight, and those are interesting for sure, and it’s worth watching this talk just for those. But I keep coming back to that first question.  It makes me a little uncomfortable.  As I write this, I look up at the poster on my wall, a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson illustrated the wonderful zen pencils: “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”  Is someone trying to tell me something here…?

Last but not least, we watched this one:

This one caught everyone’s attention and generated the most discussion – so much so that I wrote a separate post on it right after our lunch.  You can find it at Search Engine Filter Bubble.  I’m now using DuckDuckGo as my search engine, just sayin’.

Next TED Talk lunch is going to be a little different.  Check out the TED Talk Lunch Schedule for more info.