TED has some scary stuff!

This month’s TED Talk Lunch featured a number of talks chosen by Matt B (thanks Matt!)  We had enough time at the end to work in an extra one, and discovered a playlist of 3-minute Talks!  (If you don’t have time for a 3-minute nugget of wisdom, you have my deepest condolences.)

Now on to the Talks we watched!

Nilofer Merchant: Got a meeting? Take a walk

“Nilofer Merchant suggests a small idea that just might have a big impact on your life and health: Next time you have a one-on-one meeting, make it into a “walking meeting” — and let ideas flow while you walk and talk.” Link to TED

Lots of agreement around the room that this is an excellent idea.  There are so many great reasons to do this.  (If you’d like to discuss this, you know where we’re going, right?)

Keren Elazari: Hackers: the Internet’s immune system

“The beauty of hackers, says cybersecurity expert Keren Elazari, is that they force us to evolve and improve. Yes, some hackers are bad guys, but many are working to fight government corruption and advocate for our rights. By exposing vulnerabilities, they push the Internet to become stronger and healthier, wielding their power to create a better world.” Link to TED

I thoroughly enjoyed her Talk.  Funny, though, no one in the room admitted to being a hacker…

Ray Kurzweil: Get ready for hybrid thinking

“Two hundred million years ago, our mammal ancestors developed a new brain feature: the neocortex. This stamp-sized piece of tissue (wrapped around a brain the size of a walnut) is the key to what humanity has become. Now, futurist Ray Kurzweil suggests, we should get ready for the next big leap in brain power, as we tap into the computing power in the cloud.” Link to TED

Okay, THIS was the Halloween-appropriate topic.  Little floaty bots in my brain connecting me to the interwebs!  Then I’d truly be too cool for school!!  But hold on – how do I get them out?  What if I get a virus? What if my garage door opener is on the same frequency?  AAAGGGHHH!!!!

And finally, this from the 3-minute playlist:

Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days

“Is there something you’ve always meant to do, wanted to do, but just … haven’t? Matt Cutts suggests: Try it for 30 days. This short, lighthearted talk offers a neat way to think about setting and achieving goals.” Link to TED

How timely with November starting tomorrow!  I recently did a 30-day dietary change that has extended into my regular habits, and it has been fantastic!  I don’t think I could have made such a major change if I hadn’t committed completely to those first 30 days.  But now I think I’ll employ this same method to some fun things, like Matt Cutt did.

Please feel free to comment and/or make suggestions for the next TED Talk Lunch, slated for Thursday November 27 @ 12pm.