Welcome to our Study Information Page


Thank you for visiting the Study Information Page. Here, you can learn more about this study and whether it is a good fit for your family below.


Study Information

What is this study about?

Our goal is to understand what helps or hinders families’ wellbeing as they navigate the discovery of a youth’s nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI; direct and deliberate damage of one’s body tissue without suicidal intent).

Your participation in this study will provide valuable knowledge to help create family resources on responding to youth self-injury.

What is involved?
  1. Our research team will call you to determine eligibility, confirm your interest in participating and schedule your intake session. (5-10 minutes)
  2. If eligible, parents and youth each complete separate Zoom interviews with a research team member. (0.5-1.5 hours each)
  3. Parents and youth will then complete online surveys every 2 weeks for 12 weeks. (30-45 minutes each)
Who can participate?

We are recruiting teens aged 13-17 and one of their parents* to participate in this study. Parents must have recently learned that their child is engaging in self-injury. Both the youth and parent must live in Canada, and must consent to participate.

* We use the term “parent” to mean a responsible, caring adult who is involved in the youth’s life. This includes biological, step-, adoptive, foster, and grand-parents, as well as other adults who are acting in a parenting role.

Ready to participate?

Find out if you are eligible for this study by filling in our Screening Survey. It should take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time, and can be completed by either the teen or parent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I learn more about this study?

Please click the following links to access the full Consent Form for teens and parents.

Who is conducting this research?

This research is being conducted by Dr. Brianna Turner, an Associate Professor, and Christina Robillard, a graduate student, in the Department of Psychology at the University of Victoria.

Where can I learn more about self-injury?

We recommend the following websites, which provide information, coping skills, and other resources for youth who are experiencing self-harm and their families.

Self-injury Outreach & Support 

Self-injury Recovery & Resources




      • “Freedom from Self-Harm: Overcoming Self-Injury with Skills from DBT and Other Treatments” by Alexander Chapman and Kim Gratz
      • “Understanding Self-injury: A Person-Centered Approach” by Stephen Lewis and Penelope Hasking

Questions? Please contact us!

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