iMovie Basics – Tutorial 6: Adding Audio Files to Your iMovie

This video covers adding audio files to your iMovie. Audio files can be added as a background track, or in a specific spot.

This tutorial series created by a University of Victoria student for the use of University of Victoria students. Enjoy!

One Reply to “iMovie Basics – Tutorial 6: Adding Audio Files to Your iMovie”

  1. Over the last few days there has been a sudden increase in spam comments advertising websites without contributing to the discussion. Most of these comments have been centered on this post for some reason. While I do not mind URLs in comments, I will not allow advertisements for sketchy websites. The offending party has been permanently blocked from posting on this site. Unfortunately WordPress does not provide me with a way to warn offenders that they will be blocked except to allow their comment and then reply to it, so this is pretty much the only warning I can give. Then again, no warning should be necessary as far as I’m concerned. Please help keep this site free of spam. Thank you.

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