Research Program
Currently, my core research and scholarly work sits on two separate and distinct areas. The primary area is focusing on registered nurse research competencies and knowledge translation activities; and the secondary focusing on healthy aging and quality of life of older adults.
For my main research interest on research competencies, I have been involved with several multi-disciplinary research teams nationally and internationally (i.e., Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Greece) to:
a) test the psychometric properties of the newly developed tool, the “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (RCAIN)”, intended to evaluate nurse core research competencies; and
b) appraise research competencies of nurses and other allied healthcare professionals (i.e., Greece).
Other knowledge translation (KT) activities of mine include knowledge synthesis studies such as scoping reviews (i.e., core KT competencies for knowledge users, knowledge brokers, and knowledge producers; the self-assessment KT Pathway tool; patient-oriented research competencies in health for patients, healthcare providers, decision-makers, and researchers) and systematic reviews (e.g., interventions and strategies on research competencies for nurses, physicians, and allied healthcare professionals). Please, for details see Research Activities.
In terms of my research interest on the aging population, I have completed several studies on this area (e.g., the ABrEAST-iM study; social engagement of older adults; health care aides’ use of time in a residential long-term care unit) and published seven papers (for details, please see Publications).
Goals for the Future
Based on my previous work on KT activities and for the next five years, I envision my research program and teaching activities to be developed toward the following directions:
- Research competencies and KT activities (e.g., knowledge synthesis) for transparent evidence-based practice and health policy (EBP+Pol); which, in turn, may improve quality of care and outcomes for patients (e.g., safety), providers (e.g., effective performance, professional development) and the health system (e.g., cost). Health policy is one of my personal interests and passion. Therefore, first, I am planning to involve as peer-reviewer in healthcare policy journals. Second, I will develop and teach courses on health policy for undergraduate and graduate nursing students, since my research has influenced and intended to continue being integrated with my teaching. Finally, I am in the process of carefully designing a research project on this area.
- Extend my studies on KT and evidence-based practice and policy nationally and internationally (e.g., Greece), where there is a need on KT activities, especially in the rural areas of the country.
- Test the RCAIN psychometric properties and implement interventions to improve research competencies in various groups of nurses and allied healthcare professionals worldwide (e.g., Brazil, Chile, China, Peru).
- Identify and explore any causal relationships and mechanisms of the impact of nurse research competencies on their participation and involvement in decision-making centers.