In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I have devoted 40% of my academic time and participated in grant writing and research activities with several multi- and interdisciplinary research teams. Particularly, a list of the research activities follows (in a descending order):
Research Projects in Progress
- “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (RCAIN)” in China. Co-investigators: Ziwa Yu, Dr. Yan Qiaoyuan, & Yu Liu. Ethics approval has been received from the UVic HREB and local (China) authorities. We are in the data collection phase.
- “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (RCAIN)” in Brazil. Co-investigators: Nathália Gonçalves & Dr. Paula Frassineti Castelo Branco Fernandes. The UVic HREB has approved our ethics application; and we have submitted one to the local (Brazil) authorities.
- “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (RCAIN)” in Chile. Co-investigators: Dr. Eugenia Urra. We are writing the protocol for a mixed-method study and applying for ethics approval in both at UVic HREB and local (Chile) authorities.
Research Projects Completed
- “Patient-Oriented Research Competencies in Health (PORCH) for patients, healthcare providers, decision-makers, and researchers: A scoping review” (2017-2018). Co-Investigators: Dr. Noreen Frisch, Mimi Doyle-Waters, Dr. Martha MacLeod, Pat Atherton, & Dr. John Ward. We have completed the data collection, extraction, analysis and synthesis. Now, we are writing a manuscript on our findings.
- “DANcing and Challenges to INspire Graceful aging (the DANCING study)” (2016-2018). Co-investigator: Simona Scotto. We have collected the data, which have been transcribed and are analyzed now.
- “Effective Interventions and strategies on Research Competencies for nurses, physicians, and allied healthcare professionals (IResCo): A systematic review” (2016-2018). Co-investigators: Dr. Anna Deltsidou, Dr. Carol Gordon, Dr. Christina Nanou, Dr. Efrosini Vlachioti, Antonio Marante, Ziwa Yu, & Heidi Bagh khasti. We have completed the data collection, extraction, analysis and synthesis. Now, we are writing a manuscript on our findings.
- “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (RCAIN) in Greece” (2016-2017). Co-investigators: Dr. Anna Deltsidou, Dr. Christina Nanou, & Dr. Efrosini Vlachioti. Now, we are cleaning and analyzing the data, and writing a manuscript for publication.
- “Agitated Behaviour of Elderly: Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST): Individualized music (iM) – A feasibility/pilot study (the ABrEAST-iM study)” (2015-2017). Co-investigators: Dr. Anne-Marie Boström, Dr. Daphne Kaitelidou, Michelle Porter, Fiona Sudbury, Sara Fowler, Dr. Richard Nuttall, A. Slade, M. Slade, Vicki Thompson, Jennifer Brett, & Melanie Leckovic.
- “Knowledge translation competencies for knowledge users, knowledge brokers, and knowledge producers: A scoping review” (2014-2017). Co-investigators: Dr. Noreen Frisch, Pat Atherton, Liza Chan, Stephanie Glegg, & Gayle Scarrow.
- “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (RCAIN)”: A pilot study in Canada (2014-2015). Co-investigators: Dr. Elizabeth Borycki, Dr. Noreen Frisch, & Dr. Lynne Young.
- “Bringing Research into Practice (BRP)” (2013-2014). Co-investigators: Lynne Cummings, Belinda Parke, Marianne McLennan, & Joanne Maclaren.
- “Health Services Researcher Pathway” (2012-2013). Co-investigators: Dr. Noreen Frisch, Dr. Elizabeth Borycki, Dr. Lynne Young, L-A. Bryant, Dr. Monika Redekopp, Grace Mickelson, Sherry Hamilton, Mary Converse, Gurprit Randhawa, Dr. M. MacPhee, & B. Lawrie.
- “Take the pressure down (TPD)” (2011-2012). Co-investigators: Dr. Lynne Young, Mary Converse, Pal Skar, & T. Bevan.
- “Developing Evidence to Internationalize Nursing Curricula” (2011-2012). Co-investigators: Robin Scobie, Carolyn Hammond, & Olga Petrovskaya.
- “Understanding organizational slack” (2008-2010). Co-investigators: Dr. Greta Cummings, Corinne Schalm, & Carole Estabrooks.
- “Violence against physicians & nurses in Greek paediatric hospitals” (2004-2005). Co-investigator: Dr. Theofanis Katostaras.
- “An international study of the effects of the organization and nurse staffing of hospitals on patient outcomes: Alberta, Canada” (1999-2003). Co-Principal Investigators (Alberta): Dr. Phyllis Giovanneti, & Dr. Carole Estabrooks.
- “Nurse staffing of intensive care units in Greece” (1997-1998). Co-investigators: Dimitris Dimitrelis & Maria Tseroni.
- “Physicians perceptions on nursing profession” (1996-1997). Co-investigators: Dr. Theofanis Katostaras, Anna Deltsidou, & Christina Nanou.
Research Projects Postponed/Cancelled
- “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (RCAIN) in United Arab Emirates (UAE)” (2016-2017; cancelled). Co-investigators: Karla Gutierrez & Dr. Omar Shafey. Ethics approval has received by both UVic HREB and local authorities, but it was cancelled due to the local co-investigators’ lack of interest in continuing this study.
- “Applied-theater interventions and quality of life in Open Care Centres for Elderly (KAPI) in Greece: A pilot study [the ATI-KAPI study]” (2016-2017; postponed). Co-investigators: Dr. Kirsten Sadeghi-Yekta & Dr. Panagiota Sourtzi. We were not able to complete this study due to a co-investigator’s (expert in applied theater interventions) personal issues.
- “Applied-theater interventions and health status of vulnerable populations: A systematic review” (2015-2017; postponed). Co-investigators: Dr. Kirsten Sadeghi-Yekta, Trudy Pauluth-Penner (PhD candidate), Nasrin Saleh (PhD student), Dr. Carol Gordon, & Tao Suzuki. It was postponed due to a co-investigator’s (expert in applied theater interventions) personal issues.
Funded Grants
- Principal Investigator, “Effective interventions and strategies on research competencies (IResCo) for nurses, physicians, and allied healthcare professionals: A systematic review”. Mitacs 2016 Globalink Research Internships (GRI). Ziwa Yu (China), an undergraduate nursing student & the Globalink Research Intern for 12-week (May-August 2016). Mallidou, A.A., Deltsidou, A., Gordon, C., Marante, A., Nanou, Ch., Vlachioti, E., Marante, A., Yu, Z., & Bagh khasti, H.
- Principal Investigator, “Agitated Behaviour of Elderly: Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST): Individualized music (iM) – A pilot study”. Internal Research Grant (IRG), University of Victoria, March 2015 Competition ($7,000). Awarded. Mallidou, A.A., Bazylewicz, M., Boström, A-M, Brett, J., Kaitelidou, D., Leckovic, M., & Saleh, N.
- Principal Investigator, “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (R-CAIN)”. Funded by the University of Victoria Work Study Program 2014 Competition (16 June) ($2,200) for 200 hours (200 hrs x $11/hr for one graduate research assistant). Mallidou, A.A., Borycki, E., Frisch, N., Young, L.
- Principal Investigator, “Sharing Knowledge and Experience: Planning a Research Program on Optimizing Residential LTC Facilities in British Columbia”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Planning Grant ($25,000). Funding reference # HLA 126677, 2013-2014. Mallidou, A.A., Cummings, L., Boström, A-M., Estabrooks, C.A., Fowler, S.J., MacFadgen, L., McGilton, K., Murphy, G.T., Papaioannou, G., Penning, M., Purkis, M-E., Saleh, N., Scarrow, G., Sheets, D., Sudbury, F., & Tuokko, H.
- Academic Collaborator (with Principal Applicant: Lyn Cummings), “Bringing Research into Practice (BRP)”. Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) “BCNRI Point-of-Care Initiative”, 2013-2014 ($50,000). Funded. Cummings, L., Parke, B., McLennan, M., and Maclaren, J. (on behalf of the Vancouver Island Health Authority – VIHA), & Mallidou, A.A.
- Co-Investigator (with Principal Applicant: Noreen Frisch), “Health Services Researcher Pathway”. Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) “BCNRI” ($100,000). Funding reference # PJ NCR 00002 (11-2), 2012-2013. Frisch, N., Hamilton, S., Borycki, E., Lawrie, B., MacPhee, M., Mallidou, A.A., Mickelson, G., Redekopp, M., Young, L.
- Co-Principal Investigator (with Co-Principal Investigator: Lynne Young), “Take the Pressure Down (TPD)”. Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon, Beacon Community Services, and the Vancouver Island Health Authority, 2011-2012 ($35,000). Young, L., Mallidou, A.A.
- Co-Principal Investigator (with Co-Principal Investigator: Robin Scobie), “Developing Evidence to Internationalize Nursing Curricula”. Funded by the Learning without Borders Curricular Development Fund, Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost, the Office of International Affairs (OIA), and the Learning and Teaching Centre (LTC), University of Victoria, November 2011 ($7,500). Ethics approval protocol # 11-496. Funded. Mallidou, A.A., Scobie, R., Hammond, C., Petrovskaya, O.
- Principal Investigator, “Understanding organizational slack” (2008-2010). Funded Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF; $100,000). Mallidou, A.A., Cummings, G., Schalm, C., & Estabrooks, C.A.
- Principal Investigator, “How Context in Nursing Homes Influences Resident Outcomes” (2008-2010). Funded by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Postdoctoral Fellowship ($20,000 – partial award accepted). Mallidou, A.A., Cummings, G.G., Schalm, C., Estabrooks, C.A.
- Principal Investigator, “How Context in Nursing Homes Influences Resident Outcomes” (2008-2010). Funded by the Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta Postdoctoral Award ($20,000). Mallidou, A.A., Cummings, G.G., Schalm, C., Estabrooks, C.A.
- Co-investigator, “Review and synthesis of literature examining attributes of organizational context that may impact knowledge translation in healthcare” (2008-2009). Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). KT Synthesis Grant FRN 91768, Project No. G1181607730001 ($100,000). Estabrooks, C.A., Cummings, G.G., Hutchinson, A.M., Mallidou, A.A., Schalm, C.
Written & Submitted Grants
- Mallidou, A.A. (co-principal Investigator), McFadden, C. (co-principal Investigator), Krigolson, O., Demerse, G., Woodley, J., Smalley, H., Arnold, B., Minor, Sh., Girard, D., Amberson, J., & Christison, K. Study title: “Individualized Music as Medicine: Brain waves (iMaMBw), agitation & antipsychotics in older adults with dementia”. Island Health Research Support Grant, 31 March 2017 Competition ($40,000). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A. (co-principal Investigator), McFadden, C. (co-principal Investigator), Krigolson, O., Demerse, G., Woodley, J., Smalley, H., Arnold, B., Minor, Sh., Girard, D., Amberson, J., & Christison, K. Study title: “Individualized Music as Medicine: Brain waves (iMaMBw), agitation & antipsychotics in older adults with dementia”. Island Health Collaborative Research Support Grant, 31 March 2017 Competition ($20,000). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A. Study title: “Nutrition, Social and Quality of Life: A structural equation modeling (NutS&QuaL study)”. CIHR Catalyst Grant: Analysis of Canadian Longitudinal Study in Aging (CLSA) Data (submission: 30 August 2016) ($70,000). Not funded.
- Gallis, Christos & colleagues (secondary proposers) from 10 COST Country Institutions (i.e., Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom); two COST International Partners [i.e., Canada (Mallidou, A.A.), China]; and one Near-Neighbor Country Institutions (i.e., Russian Federation). Study title: “Green Care: For Human Health, on Farm Education, and Rural Economy (GreenCareInnovation)”. COST – European Union. The COST Action Proposal OC-2016-1-21076 (April 2016) (€ 500,000). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A., & Scotto, S. Study title: “Dancing Abilities, New Challenges and Evidence to Inspire Neat Greying (DANCE-ING) study”. Internal Research / Creative Project Grant (IRCPG), University of Victoria, March 2016 Competition ($7,000). Not funded.
- Gallis, Christos & colleagues (secondary proposers) from 19 COST Country Institutions (i.e., Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom); five COST International Partners [i.e., Canada (Mallidou, A.A.), China, Japan, South Korea, United States]; and two 2 Near-Neighbor Country Institutions (i.e., Russian Federation); and one International Organization (i.e., FAO). Study title: “Green Care: For Human Therapy, Social Innovation, Rural Economy, and Education (GreenCareInnovation)”. COST – European Union. The COST Action Proposal OC-2015-1-19331 (24 March 2015) (€ 500,000). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A., Boström, A-M., Fowler, S.J., Kaitelidou, D., MacLeod, S., Nuttall, R., Proper, M., Saleh, N., Slade, A., Slade, M., Sudbury, F., & Thompson, V. Study title: “Agitated Behavior of Elderly and Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST): Individualized music (iM) – A pilot study [ABrEAST-iM study]”. Drummond Foundation RFA 2015 (31 August) ($50,000). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A., Boström, A-M., Brett, J., Fowler, S.J., Kaitelidou, D., Leckovic, M., MacLeod, S., Nuttall, R., Proper, M., Saleh, N., Slade, A., Slade, M., Sudbury, F., & Thompson, V. Study title: “Agitated Behavior of Elderly and Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST): Individualized music – A feasibility/pilot study”. Technology Evaluation in the Elderly Network | Geriatric Research – TVN Competition B – Implementation Study RFP Frailty 2015 (27 April 2015) ($100,000). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A., Ross, L-M., Boström, A-M., Cranley, L., Estabrooks, C.A., Fowler, S.J., McGilton, K., McLennan, M., Neamonitos, K., Purkis, M-E., Smith, A., Sheets, D., Thompson, V., & Vezza, C. Study title: “Agitated Behaviour of Elderly: Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST)”. CIHR Partnership for Health System Improvement (PHSI) – Fall 2014 Competition (resubmission; 15 October 2014) ($400,000). Not submitted.
- Mallidou, A.A., Ross, L-M., Boström, A-M., Cranley, L., Estabrooks, C.A., Fowler, S.J., McGilton, K., McLennan, M., Purkis, M-E., Smith, A., Sheets, D., Thompson, V., & Vezza, C. Study title: “Agitated Beaviour of Elderly: Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST)”. Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) “Additional (matching) funding to CIHR PHSI” Fall 2014 Competition (resubmission; 03 September) ($80,000). Awarded but contingent on the CIHR PHSI was not funded. Funding reference: MSFHR File # PJ HSP 00007 145 (12 September 2014).
- Mallidou, A.A. Study title: “Quality of life for older adults by better using knowledge and resources (QLOAK+R)”. CIHR Foundation Scheme-Stage 1 & Stage 2 – Fall 2014 Competition (15 September 2014) ($500,000). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A. Study title: “Research-Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (R-CAIN)”. 2014/2015 Jamie Cassel Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURAs) – 2014 Competition (25 April 2014). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A., Ross, L-M., Boström, A-M., Cranley, L., Drance, E., Estabrooks, C.A., Fowler, S.J., MacFadgen, L., McGilton, K., McLennan, M., Oliviera, N.G., Orr, T., Papaioannou, G., Penning, M., Purkis, M-E., Saleh, N., Smith, A., Sudbury, F., Thompson, V., Trytten, C., & Tuokko, H. Study title: “Agitated Behaviour of Elderly: Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST)”. CIHR Partnership for Health System Improvement (PHSI) Fall 2013 Competition (1 November 2013) ($400,000). Not funded.
- Mallidou, A.A., Ross, L-M., Boström, A-M., Cranley, L., Drance, E., Estabrooks, C.A., Fowler, S.J., McGilton, K., McLennan, M., Orr, T., Papaioannou, G., Penning, M., Purkis, M-E., Saleh, N., Smith, A., Sudbury, F., Thompson, V., Trytten, C., & Tuokko, H. Study title: “Agitated Behaviour of Elderly: Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST)”. Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) “Additional (matching) funding to CIHR PHSI” Fall 2013 Competition (17 September 2013) ($100,000). Awarded but contingent on the CIHR PHSI was not funded. Funding reference # PJ HSP 00011 (13-1).
Other Research Activities
- Member, Working Group of the BC SUPPORT Unit scoping review titled, “Patient-Oriented Research Competencies in Health (PORCH) for patients, healthcare providers, decision-makers, and researchers: A scoping review” (2017-2018). Frisch, N., Mallidou, A.A., Atherton, P., Doyle-Waters, M.M., MacLeod, M.L.P., & Ward, J.
- Co-Principal Investigator (with Simona Scotto), ““Dancing Abilities, New Challenges and Evidence to Inspire Neat Greying (DANCE-ING) study” (2016-2018). Mallidou, A.A., & Scotto, S.
- Co-Principal Investigator (with Kirsten Sadeghi-Yekta & Sourtzi, P.), “Applied-theatre interventions and quality of life in Open Care Centres for Elderly (KAPI) in Greece: A pilot study [the ATI-KAPI study]” (2016-2017). Mallidou, A.A., Sadeghi-Yekta, K., & Sourtzi, P.
- Principal Investigator, “Agitated Behavior of Elderly and Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST): Individualized music (iM) – A feasibility study” (2015-2018). Mallidou, A.A., Boström, A-M., Fowler, S.J., Kaitelidou, D., Nuttall, R., Proper, M., Saleh, N., Slade, A., Slade, M., Sudbury, F., & Thompson, V.
- Co-Principal Investigator (with Kirsten Sadeghi-Yekta), “Applied-theatre interventions and health status of vulnerable populations: A systematic review” (2015-2017). Mallidou, A.A., Sadeghi-Yekta, K., Pauluth-Penner, T., Saleh, N., Gordon, C., & Suzuki, T.
- Member, Working Group of “Knowledge translation competencies for knowledge users, knowledge brokers, and knowledge producers: A scoping review” (2014-2017). Mallidou, A.A., Atherton, P., Chan, L., Frisch, N., Glegg, S., Hamilton, Sh., Matier, D., & Scarrow, G.
- Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Theofanis Katostaras), “Violence Against Physicians & Nurses in Greek Paediatric Hospitals” (2005). Funded by the Demographics Laboratory, Faculty of Nursing, University of Athens & “Aghia Sophia” Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece. Co-Principal Investigators: Katostaras, Th. & Mallidou, A.A.
- Translator, “Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture” into the Greek language with permission of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) ( (2005). The following research teams requested permission to use the translated survey:
♦Vassilis Aletras, Lecturer, Healthcare Management and Health Economics, Department of Business Administration, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. Asimenia Danana & Despoina Kakalou (2010), graduate students, used the translated survey for their Master’s theses, MSc in Healthcare Management, Interdisciplinary Program for Graduate Studies in Business Administration, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece; and MSc in Healthcare Management, Hellenic Open University, Patra, Greece respectively.
♦Giannakis Kousoulos (2012), graduate student supervised by Dr. Mamas Theodorou, Healthcare Management, Open University of Cyprus, Pafos, Cyprus.
♦Georgia Veniamin & Georgia Kyrou (2012) and Chaterine Charilaou & Fani Georgiou (2013), graduate students supervised by Dr. Alexandra Skitsou, MSc in Healthcare Management, Frederick University, Nicosia, Cyprus. - Research Assistant, “An international study of the effects of the organization and nurse staffing of hospitals on patient outcomes: Alberta, Canada” (1999-2003). Funded by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) and sponsored by University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Co-Principal Investigators (Alberta): Giovanneti, Ph. & Estabrooks, C.A.
- Co-Principal Investigator (with Dimitris Dimitrelis & Maria Tseroni), “Nurse Staffing of Intensive Care Units in Greece” (1997; original research project). Sponsored by the Hellenic Nurses Association (ESNE), Athens, Greece. Co-Principal Investigators: Dimitrelis, D., Mallidou, A.A. & Tseroni, M.
- Research Assistant, “Physicians perceptions on nursing profession” (1996). Funded by Faculty of Nursing, University of Athens, Greece. Principal Investigator: Katostaras, Th.