My publications in the entire academic career include
- Refereed Journals
- Non-Refereed Journals
- Books and Monographs
- Unpublished Papers, Reports to Research Sponsors, and Manuals
- Other Publications.
In Refereed Journals
- Mallidou, A.A., Boström, A-M., Kaitelidou, D., Brett, J., Fowler, S.J., Leckovic, M., Nuttal, R., Porter, M., Slade, A., Slade, M., Sudbury, F., & Thompson, V. (in review; Confirmation of your submission to BMC Geriatrics – BGTC-D-18-00414). Agitated behavior of elderly and alternative simple treatments (ABrEAST): Individualized music (iM) – A feasibility & pilot study (the ABrEAST-iM study). BMC Geriatrics.
- Aletras, V., Klinis, S., Mavrodi, A., Kakalou, D., Ntantana, A., Mallidou, A.A., & Niakas, D. (2020). Patient safety culture in acute care general hospitals of Northern Greece before and after the outburst of the government debt crisis. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 25(3), 106-116. doi:10.1177/2516043520924192
URL: - Mallidou, A.A., Borycki, E., Frisch, N., & Young, L. (accepted; RCAIN_Decision-made_Your Submission). Research Competencies Assessment Instrument for Nurses (RCAIN): Preliminary psychometric properties. Journal of Nursing Measurement.
- Mallidou, A.A., Frisch, N., Doyle-Waters, M.M., MacLeod, M.L.P., Ward, J., & Atherton, P. (2018). Patient-oriented research competencies in health (PORCH) for patients, healthcare providers, decision-makers, and researchers: Protocol of a scoping review. Systematic Reviews, 7:101.
- Mallidou, A.A., Atherton, P., Chan, L., Frisch, N., Glegg, S., & Scarrow, G. (2018). Core knowledge translation competencies: A scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 18(502). doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3314-4
- Saleh, N., Penning, M., Cloutier, D., Mallidou, A.A., Taylor, D., & Nuernberger, K. (2017). Social engagement and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: An alternative to antipsychotics in long-term care facilities. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 49(4): 144-152.
doi: 10.1177/0844562117726253. Epub 2017 Oct 4. - Mallidou, A.A., Atherton, P., Chan, L., Frisch, N., Glegg, S., & Scarrow, G. (2017). Protocol of a scoping review on knowledge translation competencies. Systematic Reviews, 6(93). doi:10.1186/s13643-017-0481-z
- Nanou Ch., Gourounti, K., Palaska, E., Mallidou, A., Sarantaki, A. (2015). Burnout of midwives working in neonatal intensive care units. Perioperative Nursing (Greek nursing journal), 4(3), 138-151. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.44229 Retrieved from:
- Mallidou, A.A. & Cartie, M. (2015). Nutritional habits and cognitive performance of older adults. Nursing Management, 22(3), 27-34.
doi: 10.7748/nm.22.3.27.e1331 - Mallidou, A.A. (2014). Mapping the landscape of knowledge synthesis. Nursing Management, 21(5), 30-39. doi: 10.7748/nm.21.5.30.e1242 and
- Cummings, G., Mallidou, A.A., Masaoud, E., Kumbamu, A., Schalm, C., Laschinger, H., Estabrooks, A.A. (2014). On becoming a coach: A pilot intervention study with managers in long-term care. Health Care Management Review, 39(3), 198-209 [Apr 25, ePub ahead of print].
doi: 10.1097/HMR.0b013e318294e586 - Mallidou, A.A., Converse, M., Randhawa, G., Atherton, P., MacPhee, M., Bryant, L-A., Redekopp, M., Mickelson, G., Borycki, E., Young, L., Hamilton, S., & Frisch, N. (2014). Health Services Researcher Pathway for registered nurses: An integrative literature review. Health Care: Current Reviews (OA), 2:1.
doi: - Young, L., Sheets, D., Mallidou, A.A., & Paul, K. (2013). Effectiveness of community-based physical activity/exercise programs on older women’s physical health outcomes: A systematic review. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare (The Joanna Briggs Institute), Abstracts of the Joanna Briggs Institute 2013 International Convention.
- Mallidou, A.A., Oliviera, N.G., & Borycki, E. (2013). Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: Are there any effective alternative-to-antipsychotics strategies? OA Family Medicine, 1(1), 6.
doi: - Mallidou, A.A., Cummings, G., Schalm, C., Estabrooks, C.A. (2013). Health care aides’ use of time in a residential long-term care unit: A time and motion study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50(9), 1229-1239.
doi: - Kaitelidou, D., Kontogianni, A., Galanis, P., Siskou, O., Mallidou, A.A., Pavlakis, A., Kostagiolas, P., Theodorou, M., Liaropoulos, L. (2011). Conflict management and job satisfaction in paediatric hospitals in Greece. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(4), 571-578. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01196.x
- Mallidou, A.A., Cummings, G.G., Ginsburg, L.R., Chuang, Y-T., Kang, S., Norton, P., Estabrooks, C.A. (2011). Staff, space, and time as dimensions of organizational slack: A psychometric assessment. Health Care Management Review, 36(3): 252-264. doi: 10.1097/HMR.0b013e318208ccf8
- Mallidou, A.A., Cummings, G.G., Estabrooks, C.A., Giovannetti, P. (2011). Nurse specialty subcultures and patient outcomes in acute care hospitals: A multiple-group structural equation modeling. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 48(1): 81-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2010.06.002
- Estabrooks, C.A., Kenny, D.J., Adewale, A., Cummings, G.G., Mallidou, A.A. (2007). A comparison of research utilization among nurses working in Canadian civilian and United States army healthcare settings. Research in Nursing & Health, 30: 281-296.
- Mallidou, A.A. & Giovannetti, P. (2005). Patient outcomes relevant to hospital organization and nurse staffing. Part II. Nosileftiki (Greek Nursing Journal), 44(2): 212-222.
- Mallidou, A.A. & Giovannetti, P.B. (2004). Patient outcomes relevant to hospital organization and nurse staffing: Part I. Nosileftiki (Greek Nursing Journal), 43(3): 346-359.
- Cummings, G., Mallidou, A.A., & Scott-Findlay, S. (2004). Does the workplace influence nurses’ use of research? Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (JWOCN), 31(3): 106-107.
- Deltsidou, A., Nanou, Ch., Mallidou, A.A., & Katostaras, Th. (2000). Nurses and doctors: Colleagues? Aspects of obstetricians and pediatricians. Nosileftiki (Greek Nursing Journal), 39(4): 325-331. Deltsidou+Mallidou_2000-Νοσηλευτές+γιατροί_ συ
- Mallidou, A.A., Deltsidou, A., Nanou, Ch., & Katostaras, Th. (1998). Gynecologists and pediatricians opinions for nursing profession. Nosileftiki (Greek Nursing Journal), 37(3): 265-272. Mallidou et al._1998
- Mallidou, A.A. (1998). Are nurses involved in decision-making centers? Health Review: Sciences, Technology, Policy (Greek Journal for Health Professionals), 50(18): 78-80. Mallidou_1998
- Mallidou, A.A. (1997). Continuing education in Nursing: Mandatory or optional? Nosileftiki (Greek Nursing Journal), 36(2): 143-147.
In Non-Refereed Journals or Online
- Mallidou, A.A. (2018). Knowledge and nurses – Cohesion, relevance, consistency, and transparency in health (invited editorial; Editorial_2018). Nursing Care & Research: Scientific Journal of the Greek Nursing Studies Association (, 50(2), 18-20.
- Mallidou, A.A., Atherton, P., Chan, L., Frisch, N., Glegg, S., & Scarrow, G., Creighton, G., & Collins, J. (2017). Knowledge Translation Pathways: A tool for competency evaluation and professional development (KTP pro-D Tool_2017).
- Mallidou, A.A. (2016). New response in crisis (Vantage Point – Opinion; Mallidou_2016-Response in crisis). Nursing Management, 23(3), 17.
doi: - Mallidou, A.A. (2015). What is the secret of a long, healthy life? (Vantage Point – Opinion; Mallidou_2015-Secret of a long healthy life). Nursing Management, 22(3), 15. doi: 10.7748/nm.22.3.15.s20
- Mallidou, A.A. (2014). The importance of leadership – Developing Leaders (Vantage Point – Opinion; Mallidou_2014-Developing Leaders). Nursing Management, 21(3), 15.
- Frisch, N., Hamilton, S., Borycki, E., Lawri, B., MacPhee, M., Mallidou, A.A., Mickelson, G., Redekopp, M., Young, L., Atherton, P., Converse, M., Randhawa, G. (2013). Health Services Researcher Pathway (HSRP) Professional Development Tool. Available on MSFHR’s website:
- Mallidou, A.A. (Fall 2013). “CIHR Planning Grant Meeting”. COAG Newsletter, 21: 8-9. COAG-Bulletin_Fall2013
- Mallidou, A.A. (2013). Striving to translate research into practice (Vantage Point – Opinion; Mallidou_2013-Striving to translate research into practice). Nursing Management, 20(3), 9.
- Mallidou, A.A. (2012). Knowledge Translation (KT): What’s next for healthcare professionals? Available at
- Mallidou, A.A. (2005). Evidence-based nursing and practice environment (editorial). Nosileftiki (Greek Nursing Journal), 44(3), 257-258.
Books and Monographs
- Sourtzi, P. & Mallidou, A.A. (2007). “Interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare organizations”, University of Athens Press, Athens, Greece (University Notes based on the lectures in Bachelor of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens).
Unpublished Papers, Reports to Research Sponsors, and Manuals
- Mallidou, A.A., Bazylewicz, M., Boström, A-M, Brett, J., Kaitelidou, D., Leckovic, M., & Saleh, N. (2017). “Agitated Behaviour of Elderly: Alternative Simple Treatments (ABrEAST): Individualized music – A pilot study”. Submitted to Internal Research Grant (IRG), University of Victoria.
- Mallidou, A.A. (2015). Unpublished notes of the meeting in June 2013. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, School of Nursing. Submitted to CIHR.
- Mallidou, A.A., Converse, M., Skar, P., Bevan, T., Young, L.E. (2013). Take the pressure down. Unpublished Technical Report. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, School of Nursing. Submitted to Heath & Stroke Foundation BC and Yukon and Beacon Community Services.
- Young, L.E., Mallidou, A.A., Paul, K. (2012). “The JBI comprehensive systematic review workshop”. School of Nursing (SON) Research Conversation, 5 September 2012.
- Hutchinson, A.A., Mallidou, A.A., Toth, F., Cummings, G.G., Schalm, C., & Estabrooks, C.A. (2010). Review and synthesis of literature examining characteristics of organizational context that influence knowledge translation in healthcare. Technical Report (10-01-TR). Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta, Faculty of Nursing (ISBN: 978-1-55195-269-7). Submitted to CIHR.
- Lanaras, A. & Mallidou, A.A. (2005). Instructions for Parents (A pamphlet in Greek). “Aghia Sophia” Children Hospital, Athens, Greece.
- Giovannetti, P., Cummings, G., Mallidou, A.A., & Ehrenberg, A. (2003). “The impact and contribution of surgical nurses”. Surgical Nurses’ Journal Club in University Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 13 November 2003.
Other Publications
- Mallidou, A.A., Young, L., Sheets, D., Paul, K. (2013). Joanna Briggs Institute Systematic Review: Our first attempt, Communiqué, Fall 2013, p. 8-9. Communique _Fall 2013
- Mallidou, A.A. (March 2012). Research Conversation with Carole Estabrooks, Communiqué, Spring 2012, p. 13.
- Scobie, R., Hammond, C., Petrovskaya O., & Mallidou, A.A. (November 2012). “Internationalization Committee: Learning Without Borders”. Communiqué, Winter 2012, p.5.
- Mallidou, A.A. (November 2012). “IdeaFest profile: Carole Estabrooks, RN, PhD, FCAHS, FAAN”. Communiqué, Winter 2012, p.10.
- Mallidou, A.A., (2011). SON Research Conversation: Quality, Resources, Safety & Satisfaction, and Time (QRST): A pilot study (abstract). Communique, Spring 2011, p.5.
- Mallidou, A.A., (2011). Mastering all you survey – Part 1 (Interviewed by Carolyn Brown). Canadian Nurse, 107(5), 25-29.
- Mallidou, A.A. (2005). Evidence-based nursing and practice environment (editorial). Nosileftiki (Greek Nursing Journal), 44(3): 257-258.
- Mallidou, A.A. (2004). “The Impact of Hospital Nurse Specialty Subcultures on Nurse and Patient Outcomes”. Doctoral dissertation. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Mallidou, A.A. (1998). “Job Satisfaction and Nurse Empowerment”. Master’s thesis. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- Mallidou, A.A. (1997). “Immigrants’ Health Problems in Greece”. Post-graduate thesis. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
According to the Scholar Google Citation, my publications have been cited several times (from 1 to 63) each.
Total citations: 262.
Citations from 2013: 223
h-index: 8.
For details, please visit the Scholar Google Citation: