For about 20% of my academic time, I am involving in administrative activities and contributions through service to the University of Victoria and Faculty Association, the Faculty of Human and Social Development, and to the School of Nursing. Specifically,
University of Victoria
- Member, Graduate Awards Committee (2015-2017 & 2018-2019).
- Member, Steering Committee of UVic Academic Women’s Caucus (AWC) (2015-2018).
- Member, Faculty Association (2014-ongoing):
a) Volunteer, School of Nursing Departmental Liaison (Jan 2016-Jun 2017).
b) Member, Equity Committee (Jun 2016-Jun 2017).
c) Member, Engagement Committee (MEC) (Jan 2015-Dec 2016). - Member, Faculty of Graduate Studies (2011-ongoing).
Faculty of Human and Social Development
- Member, Faculty of Human and Social Development Council (2011-ongoing).
School of Nursing
- Member, MN Curriculum Committee (2016-ongoing).
- Faculty Lead, NURS 425 and NURS 480, Post-Diploma Program (2016-2017).
- Member, Post-Diploma Degree Program Committee (2014-2017).
- Member, Professional Programs Internal Research/Creative Project Grant (IRG) Sub‐Committee (2014-2015).
- Member, Appointment, Re-appointment, Promotion & Tenure (ARPT) Committee (2014).
- PhD Sub-Committee (2013-2017):
a) Member, PhD students’ Selection and Admission Committee (Jan-Aug 2016).
b) Update the Candidacy Examination process for doctoral students with Anne Bruce (Fall 2015).
c) Development of the systematic reviews guidelines for doctoral students with Diana Butcher & Kelsey Rounds (PhD students) and Karen MacKinnon (Spring 2015). - Member, Research & Scholarship Committee (2011-2016):
a) Member & Abstract Reviewer, Organizing Research Conference Committee for the JBI-R&S Conference (18-19 March, 2016).
b) Nominator, Rita Schreiber for the ARNBC Lifetime Achievement Award (2015).
c) Member, Strategic Planning sub-committee (2014).
d) Member, Organizing Research Conference Committee for the Biennial SON Research Conference (May 10th, 2013).
e) Member, Research Conference Abstract Review Committee (Dec 2012). - Internationalization (now, Global Health) Committee (2011-2013):
a) Member, Workshops for internationalization of nursing curricula (Jan-Oct 2012).
b) Writing grant titled “Developing evidence to internationalization nursing curricula” (Nov 2011) – Funded ($7,500). - Member, Graduate Education Committee (2011-ongoing):
a) Member, MN Curriculum (Nov 2016-ongoing).
b) Member, School of Nursing Masters’ Degree Task Force (Jan-Jun 2016).
c) Member, Core Curriculum Content – Research Competencies (Jun-Sep 2014). - Member, School of Nursing Council (2011-ongoing): Member in the World Café #1 (Oct 7, 2015) and World Café #2 (Apr 19, 2016). With a team from the School of Nursing, I presented the process and results of the Cafés in the 2017 International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress (for details, please see Presentations).