
We strive to create an inclusive space for discovery that leads to advances in the understanding of ion channel regulation of heart and brain biology, and to nurture an environment that fosters the growth and success of the next generation of science leaders.


We use rigorous quantitative microscopy and biochemistry methodologies to investigate the trafficking and role(s) of ion channels in brain and heart cellular plasticity. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to improvements in brain and heart health.


We value and promote:

  • Inclusion of team members from a variety of educational, professional, and cultural backgrounds
  • Teamwork, curiosity and independent thinking
  • Respect for our team members and their ideas, projects and time
  • Open and clear communication practices
  • Open science principles and practices, including transparency, reproducibility and rigour
  • Scientific integrity through adhering to lab safety guidelines and ethical research practices
  • Interdisciplinary science through collaboration

Our values have helped to shape our lab principles.