The Swayne Lab has an instagram page! Check out what is happening with our group on @swayne_lab!

The Swayne Lab represented well at the Canadian Association for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in Vancouver! We had a record 5 poster presentations!

In 2023 the Swayne Lab was awarded >$1 million in funding for research on dendritic spines (aka neuronal connections) in health and disease contexts!  Details coming soon.

PhD student Nicole York was awarded a 2023 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (CIHR) supporting her thesis research on the role of ankyrin-B in cardiomyocyte development! Congrats Nicole!

Co-op undergraduate researcher K’sana Wood Lynes-Ford was awarded a 2023 International Brain Research Organization – Centre for Brain Health Summer Research Internship Award for Canadian Indigenous Undergraduate Students! Congrats K’sana! 

MSc Student Haifei You was awarded a 2023 Canada Graduate Scholarship! Congrats Haifei!

Lab Manager Joel Rivera was awarded a BioImaging North America (BINA) scholarship to attend the Quantitative Superresolution Microscopy Workshop at the University of Calgary! Congrats Joel!

Undergraduate 2022-2023 Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award students Rachel Li and Katie Besko gave amazing poster presentations at the JCURA 2022-2023 Research Fair!