After graduating with a degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Mondragón, Basque Country (Spain), Adriana started her Master’s in Neuroscience in the University of Victoria under the supervision of Dr. Leigh Anne Swayne in September 2023. Adriana’s research focuses on dendritic spine repair in Alzheimer’s disease. She creates neuron-astrocyte-microglia “tri-cultures” and uses several live and fixed imaging techniques, with the ultimate aim of understanding how dendritic spines respond to Alzheimer’s disease-associated pathological signaling processes and how these changes could be mitigated by targeting the pannexin 1 channel and scaffold protein. In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities and various sports, such as handball, swimming, surfing, and hiking. She is also very artistic and loves to paint. Travelling is another passion. She finds meeting people from all over the world boosts her creativity and facilitates learning about other cultures, languages, and ways of living.