Links and Resources

“Yeah, it’s a very bad cycle. It doesn’t matter how it happens though, it all came from the same place, it all came from what they did to us in residential schools and all that.
Open your eyes. Stop blaming the victims”
Sisters Rising participant

Girls Leading Change – Networks 4 Change

Reclaiming Spaces Between: Coast Salish Two Spirit Identities and Experiences – Corrina Sparrow

Moose Hide Campaign

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls – Government of Canada

Native Women’s Association of Canada

Native Youth Sexual Health Network

Networks 4 Change Projects

N’we Jinan Artists – “The Highway” – Kitsumkalum First Nation, BC

Performance for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women – Fairness Works

The Chiefs Two Bodies: Theresa Spence and the Gender of Settler Sovereignty – Dr. Audra Simpson at RACE2014

Queer (Self) Portraits – Dayna Danger

Violence Against Native Women is not Traditional – Whisper at TEDxABQWomen


Reports, Statistics, and News

A Quiet Crime Wave against Manitoba’s Sayisi Dene Women – Donna Carreiro

Classified’s ‘Powerless’ music video is an incredible ode to missing and murdered Indigenous women – CBC Premiere

Cultural Re-Centring Model – Shezell-Rae Sam explains how ancient ways of knowing help heal and bring dignity to Indigenous youth

Decolonizing the Violence Against Indigenous Women – Beverley Jacobs in Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society

First Nations youth perform Highway of Tears song at MMIWG national inquiry -Chantelle Bellrichard, CBC News

Five Ways you can put the ‘Calls for Justice’ from the MMIWG Report into Action – Haley Lewis – tvo

Haida Art Exhibit Imagines Ancient Female Beings in Contemporary Forms –  Artist Terri Lynn Williams Davidson

Indigenous children are dying while Ottawa fights a ruling that calls for action – Day 6 CBC Radio

Indigenous Girls and the Canadian State – Cherry Smiley at Justice for Girls

Indigenous Girls and the Violence of Settler Colonial Policing – Jaskiran K. Dhillon in Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society

Indigenous Women and Girls with Disabilities Bigger Targets of Sexual Violence – Lynn Gehl and Fiona Whittington-Walsh in Rabble

It Takes a Community to Exploit a Native Woman – Terese Marie Mailhot

Marlene Bird, dead at 50, survived vicious assault that led to loss of her legs: Strong Cree woman refused to be an anonymous victim after man was charged with brutal attack – Duncan McCue at CBC News

Native Women’s Association gives missing and murdered inquiry failing grades for efforts so far -Peter Zimonjic at CBC News

Recognizing a Rising Leader with Big Dreams – Donors wanting to recognize students who not only accel academically, but also show leadership in Indigenous communities as Keenan Andrews does.  

Taken – CBC Documentary Series

Too Many Victims Sexualized Violence in the Lives of Children and Youth in CareTruth and Reconciliation Commission – Representative for Children and Youth, British Columbia

‘People need to know who she is,’ says family of sex assault victim shackled during her attacker’s trial – From ‘As it Happens’ on CBC Radio

Study Links Sexual Assault to Legacy of Indian Residential Schools and Childhood Abuse – University of British Columbia

Violence Against Aboriginal Women Fact Sheet – Native Women’s Association of Canada

Violence Against Aboriginal Women, Girls will End: BC Premier – James Keller

Violence Against Native Women is not Traditional – Whisper at TEDxABQWomen

Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada: A Summary of Amnesty International’s Concerns and Call to Action – Amnesty International

Women’s Warrior Song – 8000 Drums Sacred Ceremony – BurningFistMedia – Youtube