Monthly Archives: November 2016

Elsevier signs interesting 5 year journal licensing agreement with UK’s Jisc Collections

Excerpts from full announcement that was published November 7, 2016:

“The UK’s research institutions and the world-leading provider of science, technology and medical information products and services signed today a landmark agreement granting academics access to globally-published, high-quality research at costs lower than the industry average. In addition, Jisc Collections and Elsevier have agreed to cooperate on several Open Science opportunities, leveraging Elsevier’s world class technology and analytics capabilities to help make science in the UK more collaborative, transparent, effective, and efficient.”

“The 5-year contract grants subscription access to around 1,850 journals on Elsevier’s ScienceDirect e-platform.”

Read the full annoucement at:,-securing-access-to-research-publications-and-initiating-open-science-collaboration

FYI:  “Jisc Collections is the negotiation and licensing service that supports the procurement of digital content for higher education and research institutions in the UK.”