What is your academic program?

I’m in the joint Math and Stats and Computer Science program

Where did you work?

I’ve done two 8-month co-ops. The first one was Ocean Networks Canada. I did a lot of programming, it was during COVID-19, so it was all remote. I helped develop a dashboard but started off with a bunch of little projects, fixing bugs or code here.

I am working right now at British Columbia Investment Management Corporation and I am a software engineer. Here I help support apps that BCI uses. I help with app configuration, user requests, and optimization projects on the side.

 Why did you join co-op?

I actually took a long time deciding about co-op. I heard good things about it and everyone who did it recommended it. But then I also talked to other people that said they were going to get jobs anyway and didn’t want to take extra time during school. So I took a long time to decide whether I wanted to do it or not.

What ultimately made me decide to do it was that I took a part-time job outside of school (my first job) and I realized the value of work and I wanted to do more work relevant to my degree. I think I have gotten everything out of co-op that I thought. I have obtained relevant work experience which was the main point.

What have been your favourite aspects of your co-op experiences?

I think co-ops have helped me see what I am interested in and see more what my natural skills are. I enjoyed the software programming position quite a lot. But I have learned in the position I am in now that I like technical things, but I need more of a human aspect, which I probably would not have found by myself until I got a full-time job.

Do you have any advice for future co-op students?

In the first few weeks, just show your keenness. They don’t know you so if you show that you are keen and positive and are someone easy to work with, this is your first impression and that can go a long way. You also end up holding yourself to a higher standard because you introduced yourself that way, so you want to keep it up.