by Stephanie Boulogne | Jan 7, 2021 | UVicSpace
By Sarah K. Davis A PhD dissertation in the Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies Abstract (excerpt): Mental health is one of the biggest issues facing governments around the globe (Keyes,...
by Stephanie Boulogne | Jan 4, 2021 | Open access, UVicSpace
By Nicole Fetterly A Master of Science thesis in the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education Abstract: Chronic diseases, including obesity are a global epidemic with significant long term mental...
by ikehoe | Aug 8, 2018 | Open access, Open education, UVic e-Publishing
WINNER! 2019 American Alliance for Theatre Education Research Award This award honors scholars whose research contributes significantly to the field of drama/theatre with or for young people. Submissions are welcome from a wide variety of research traditions that...