October 3, 2022

What is SCOPUS?

Scopus (Elsevier) is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. Scopus provides a comprehensive overview of worldwide research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.

UVic Libraries is hosting two workshop in October for the campus community to learn more about SCOPUS.


With over 88 million records indexed, Scopus is the world’s largest curated abstract and citation database. As a subscriber to Scopus, researchers and administrators at the University of Victoria have access to this database to support their research activities. In this introductory Scopus training session, we will cover the foundations of the data set, how to build simple and complex search queries, setting up alerts for new research, and exporting and analyzing search results.

Register: October 26, 1-2pm

SCOPUS for Bibliometrics In-Person

In addition to supporting researchers in finding the right research when they need it, the Scopus database can enable powerful research analyses and intelligence. In this workshop, we will cover the foundations of using Scopus for bibliometric analyses, including: data sources & analytical potential, query generation, co-author network mapping, measurement of research, and uptake of research within and outside of the Academy.

Register: October 26 2022, 2:30-4pm


Related LibGuide: Introduction to Scopus: Researchers, research staff, and graduate students by Sue Bengtson