September 1, 2022 | IFLA

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) recently issued its 2022 statement on open access.

IFLA declares:

Full and immediate free access to research outputs and publications ensures that everyone – including researchers, policy makers, citizens, scientists, and the public – has the data, evidence, and knowledge they need to address societal, environmental, and global challenges. Open access (OA) moves research towards the goal of full access by removing paywalls and broadening global access across disciplines. OA seeks to make research globally available and discoverable for the long-term and not only in times of crisis.

Call to Action for IFLA and its members:

  • Raise awareness about the rights-based dimensions of OA and how it contributes to
    intellectual freedom and freedom of expression through the work of IFLA’s Advisory Committee on Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression, submissions to UN processes, and national advocacy
  • Advocate at an international level including rights retention in favour of researchers and their institutions, permissive licensing practices, and sustainable business models that reflect OA mandates and laws, the role of public, trusted knowledge in society, bibliodiversity and the need for diverse routes to OA in a highly-constrained budgetary environment so that outcomes are equitable for libraries and their users
  • Build partnerships and coalitions with other organisations and utilise existing advocacy opportunities to advance these positions, reflecting the alignment of OA with other issues including information poverty, media and information literacy, open government, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and copyright reform
  • Collaborate to promote sustainable investment in the infrastructure underpinning OA
  • Lead by example, and complete the transition of IFLA’s publications to OA in 2022