March 14, 2021|Times Colonist via UVic News
We’re now a year into the pandemic, however, with vaccinations becoming more frequent, there is hope for a return to normal living. But what might “normal” look like? Numerous experts warn it will not be the same as before, and some of the changes may remain in place long-term. Including hybrid workplace programs (from both home and office).
Whatever the post-pandemic world looks like, [Saul] Klein said it’s not likely to be starkly different from what is happening now.
“We won’t see a big-bang solution,” he said. “There is likely to be a gradual resumption, and even once the rules start to diminish, the behavioural patterns we have established over the last year will not disappear.”
Saul Klein, Dean of the Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria, is one of the many experts weighing in on what our post-pandemic world may look like and what will be needed for businesses to succeed and people to feel financially stable. The Copyright and Scholarly Communications Office encourages you to visit Dr. Klein’s publications through UVic’s institutional repository, UVicSpace, and browse his other works both in the repository and his ORCID profile.