January 25, 2019 | UVic News

A national study, co-led by Bernie Pauly and Tim Stockwell at UVic’s Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR) is researching managed alcohol programs (MAP) [which] provide people who haven’t found success with abstinence-based approaches with pre-measured doses of beer or wine—often paired with housing and other supports—as a way of reducing the harms from alcohol.

The Copyright & Scholarly Communications office invites you to read a post-print of their 2018 paper Community Managed Alcohol Programs in Canada: Overview of Key Dimensions and Implementation available in UVicSpace; https://dspace.library.uvic.ca//handle/1828/9255

We also encourage readers to further explore both Pauly & Stockwell’s work within the University of Victoria’s institutional repository, UVicSpace.