Show notes


Social Media and Important Links 

UVic Libraries Support for Open Access Publishing (SOAP) (formerly known as Author Funding) (external link)

Scholarly Communications @ UVic Blog (external link)

Twitter (X) (external link) 


00:00 Madison 

Join us at the table for the first serving of scholarly sound bites of podcast concocted by the mines from the copyright and Scholarly Communication Office at UVic libraries. In every episode will serve you a generous portion of enlightening and practical scholarly insights. Bite by bite. 

00:28 Madison 

Hello there, scholars Madison here and joining me is the ever-insightful Kristen, my partner in crime at the Copyright and Scholarly Communication Office. We are thrilled to give you a little teaser for our first episode of scholarly sound Bites, your new go to podcast from the Copyright and Scholarly Communication Office at UVic Libraries. 

00:49 Kristen 

Now let’s set the scene, you’ve been burning the midnight oil. Your research is finally complete, and you’ve crafted an article that you’re proud of. You’re all set to share your work with the world, but then you hit a roadblock. The journal you’ve set your sights on is asking for an article processing charge that’s through the roof. You want to make your work widely accessible through open access publishing, but that hefty fee? Its a buzzkill. 

00:01:12 Madison 

But hold on there is good news! 

01:14 Kristen 

 UVic libraries are here to support you in this episode, we’re going to introduce you to soap or support for Open Access publishing.  

01:23 Madison 

This is a new term we’re using to describe what we’ve previously referred to as author funding.  


It’s a game changer that’s going to knock down those publishing barriers. 

01:31 Madison 

And guess what we’re going to do it all in under 7 minutes. 

01:35 Kristen 

So grab your coffee, get cozy, and let’s get started. 

Music and sound effects

Music from: Music_for_videos on pixabay – “Big Band TV show logo”
Sound effect: comical bite and chew by watsnick —
— License: Attribution 4.0