June 1, 2024 | CBC News via UVic News

A recent article in CBC News dives into the debates around Canada’s carbon taxes. What was supposed to assist in Canada’s greenhouse as emission targets have now become a political liability. Now the conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre promises to “axe the tax” should he win the next election.

Much of the discourse in the article surrounds the idea that the Liberal government did not communicate effectively about the policy and the rebates available to Canadians. Now many experts are urging policymakers to find other policies to lower emissions, “warning the threat of climate change is too dire to delay action.”

Katya Rhodes, an assistant professor at the University of Victoria’s school of public administration says that this idea oversimplifies the situation. Stating that her studies find that people often get confused when given more information surrounding complex climate policies. Rhodes pointed outwards at countries such as Finland and Norway when explaining that the population’s trust in the government usually plays a large role in the success of the carbon tax.

Dr. Katya Rhodes is a researcher and professor at the University of Victoria. Her areas of interest include, but are not limited to: political economy of climate policy, energy-economy modelling, and comparative climate policy. Dr. Rhodes is also a member of the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems at UVic, which was formed to develop ” high-quality, affordable, and environmentally compatible energy systems.”

If you are interested in reading more of Dr. Rhodes work, we encourage you to check out her author page on our institutional repository, UVicSpace! We also encourage you to check out the community collection for the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems on UVicSpace to learn more about the work done by this interdisciplinary research centre.