January 12, 2024 | CFAX 1070 via UVic News
The Office of Copyright and Scholarly Communications is thrilled when UVic scholars mobilize their research, and share their expertise, in popular media. Dr. Rick Cotton, Associate Professor in the Gustavson School of Business, does just this as a regular guest on Afternoons with Ryan Price. In his reoccurring segment, Dr. Cotton explores topics around working and employment. On Friday, January 12th, Dr. Cotton discussed how, moving into 2024, caveats to employment optimism come in the form of a potential recession and the renewal of mortgages.
Dr. Cotton’s research can be accessed on UVicSpace, the University of Victoria’s open access institutional repository. We encourage you to read his 2019 co-authored paper “Careers in context” on that platform.
UVicSpace allows scholars to share their research with a global audience, faster, for increased citations and impact. Check out our UVicSpace LibGuide for more information on the benefits of depositing your scholarly works in UVicSpace!