December 10, 2023|Victoria Times Colonist (Print Edition) via UVic News; December 17, 2023 | Victoria Times Colonist via UVic News

Dr. Trevor Hancock, Professor Emeritus of the School of Public Health and Social Policy at UVic, shares his expertise on energy efficiency in two separate articles for the Victoria Times Colonist. In a December 10th article, Dr. Hancock reports that in the auto industry, our fight against climate change must go beyond the promotion of electric vehicles. We must also focus on switching from large trucks and SUVs to smaller personal vehicles. In fact, we should go so far as to encourage non-vehicle based travel. Regulating the sale and marketing of trucks and SUVs is a part of this important work, Dr. Hancock states. He describes the purchase of these vehicles as very inefficient and not in public interest.

Discussing the benefits of high-density development versus low-density development, Dr. Hancock reports in a December 17th piece that the former allows us to reduce energy use, transportation, and infrastructure costs. Using the concept of ‘missing middle’ housing to frame the conversation, Dr. Hancock explains that we should be moving from single-family detached homes to multi-family homes and multi-unit buildings within walkable neighbourhoods.

Interested in more energy and environmental research? Please visit UVicSpace to read more work from Dr. Trevor Hancock. UVicSpace is an open access learning and research repository for published and unpublished digital scholarly works by the UVic community and its partners.