What are open Education Resources (OERs)?

“Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.”[1]

OER Grants

UVic’s OER grant was established in 2019 with funding from the UVic Undergraduate Student Society, UVic Libraries, the Division of Learning, Teaching, Support and Innovation (LTSI), and UVic Systems. The LTSI, Libraries, and UVSS administer the grants. The grant provides funding of up to $7,500 along with staff support to help faculty members redesign a course to adopt, adapt or create open textbooks or other OER as their primary course material.

We congratulate the 2022 spring grant award winners:

  • Sara Humphreys, Academic and Technical Writing Program (ATWP)
    The Why Write Project: An Anti-Racist Writing Guide for Instructors and Students at the University of Victoria ($7,500)
  • Alexandra (Sasha) Kovacs, Department of Theatre
    Theatre Artist Interview and Reflection Podcast: Theatre History IV Companion Podcast ($7,297)
  • Adam Krawitz, Department of Psychology
    decidables: Explorable Explanations of Decision Making ($3,531)
  • Lijun Zhang, Department of Economics
    Adaptation of OpenStax Textbook in Econ 104: Canadian Contents ($7,477)