January 12, 2022 | Rich McCue


We are happy to release our online workshop schedule for this coming month. Unless otherwise noted you can participate in all our workshops in-person in the Digital Scholarship Commons, or via Zoom:

  • Data Analysis with Excel
  • 3D Design & Print
  • Intro to Data Management Plans
  • Data Visualization with Tableau
  • Data Analysis with RStudio
  • Intro to Coding with HTML & CSS
  • Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo
  • Intro to Covidence

If you are a UVic professor and would like us to run a workshop just for your class, please contact Rich McCue, and we’ll do our best to work with your class’s schedule: rmccue@uvic.ca

Need Support for RStudio, NVivo, Excel, Tableau, ArcGIS, & LaTex? Book a Consultation with a DSC Expert!

The Digital Scholarship Commons can help faculty, students, and staff with their digital information fluency needs. We are available to answer questions, give one-on-one tutorials, and help troubleshoot issues. Book an appointment below or contact us if you have any questions.

If you are unsure who you should talk to please check out our list of librarian and staff experts.

Digital Badges for DSC Workshops

The Digital Scholarship Commons (DSC) awards digital badges for the successful completion of most of our workshops. We award badges in order to help workshop participants, who wish to, make public the fact that they have developed skills in DSC workshops. Our electronic badges can be posted to your LinkedIn certifications page, WordPress website, or included in your resume.

Electronic badges are not automatically awarded but are awarded at the request of workshop participants after a DSC staff member has verified that they have successfully completed one or more of the workshop hands-on workshop activities.

Learn more about DSC Digital Badges on our website.