This year, BCcampus offered two types of grants for institutions that bookend each side of the open education spectrum, from foundational, when institutions examine how open education may be incorporated into their teaching systems, to sustainable, for institutions looking to improve and maintain open education practices already in place.

For institutions looking to sustain established open educational systems, key efforts include:

  1. Supporting the development of engaging, interactive OER that replace or supplement commercial resources used by faculty
  2. Encouraging faculty to incorporate OEP into their teaching
  3. Considering how OEP and OER might fit within its overall strategy on teaching, learning, and scholarship, and what steps can be taken to begin or continue this process

UVic Libraries’ project is two pronged and includes:

  1. Developing a new Open Education Digital Initiatives Grant (OEDIG) program. The program will aim to build a team of up to 10 faculty members from across campus. It will include a variety of university supports, such as librarians, education technologists, book production specialists, and students.
  2. Creating an Open Education Faculty Fellows program that aims to reduce student barriers to accessibility and learning by increasing adoptions of OER at UVic.

For more information on these grants, contact Inba Kehoe, Copyright Officer & Scholarly Communication Librarian at