October 30, 2019 | UVic News

“If all vehicles in British Columbia were powered by electricity instead of liquid fuels by 2055, BC would need to more than double its electricity generation capacity to meet forecasted energy demand—and the move could prove surprisingly cost-effective.

The finding comes from a team of University of Victoria researchers with the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS), and will be published in the November issue of Applied Energy.”

The Applied Energy article co-author, Curran Crawford, also has several of his open access papers in UVicSpace.

Are you looking for more open access works along the same line as Crawford’s work? UVicSpace allows you to search by subject! Visit our home page and select the right hand ‘Browse’ menu then select the ‘Subjects’ option. To get you started try typing in the following search terms to the ‘Browsing by Subject’ search :

  • renewable energy
  • renewable integration
  • electricity markets
  • wind energy

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