Science Europe, an association of European scientific funding bodies, has recently released a paper advocating for deposition of scholarly research into publically run, open access digital repositories.

A short discussion of the key points of the paper, The Need for ‘Diamond Engagement’ around Open Access for High Quality Research Output, can be found on Chemistry Now.

The paper recommends establishing partnerships between universities, institutional publishers and libraries; standardization of repository policies across Europe and the development of systems to incentivize the use of repositories. It “encourage[s] research funders, managers of digital repositories, researchers and end users of research to combine forces to foster a culture that aims to ensure that all research outputs are available in an open, traceable and interoperable manner.”

A directory of Open Access Repositories can be found here.

If you’re a UVic researcher interested in depositing your work read about the benefits here and don’t hesitate to contact your friendly digital repository librarian at katenel (at)