Former Elsevier president John J. Regazzi (now dean of the College of Information and Computer Science at Long Island University)  has recently authored a book entitled Scholarly Communications: A History from Content as King to Content as Kingmaker.

In an interview with Publishers’ Weekly, Regazzi discusses the growth of scholarly communications and his transition from the corporate publishing world to the world of academia. He maintains his stance as a “proponent for a market-driven information economy” and expresses his concerns about the “increasing levels of government and quasigovernment regulations in the industry.”

Unfortunately, the UVic library does not have a copy of Regazzi’s latest tome. However, the library does have a copy of Regazzi’s 2014 eBook Infonomics and the Business of Free, for your reading pleasure.

If you simply must read the latest book, please don’t hesitate to use the library’s Interlibrary Loan service.