In arrangement with the copyright holders, the Test Sales office produces and sells a limited number of neuropsychological test materials. These tests were primarily designed for use with children and adults with known or suspected brain lesions.
These test materials are not available for sale to the general public as they were designed to be used by qualified health care professionals with appropriate training and expertise in neuropsychology. Individuals interested in purchasing tests from our office will be required to provide in writing verification of their assessment qualifications.
Test Sales proceeds go towards supporting the Test & Book Resource Library at the Psychology Clinic, Clinical Psychology Training Program at the University of Victoria.
Available Tests for purchase:
- Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test: Victoria Computerized Adaptation of the PASAT $199 digital download requirements: Windows XP, 7, 10, or 11 desktop; will not run on a smartphone, tablet, or Apple devices
- Stroop – Victoria Modification $40+shipping
- Token Test $70+shipping
Please email for all test ordering queries.