
Breaking the Ice They Stand On – by Nick Noble

Breaking the Ice They Stand On – by Nick Noble

Breaking the Ice They Stand On is a 32-minute documentary about the securitization of the Canadian Arctic during the Cold War, and the resulting impacts to Inuit communities who found themselves on the front lines of the conflict. The film uses footage from National...

The Cloaks of Crime – a video essay by Nick Noble

The Cloaks of Crime – a video essay by Nick Noble

Nick Noble, “An Introduction to The Cloaks of Crime“ The Cloaks of Crime is a short video essay I produced for my Law 102: Criminal Law midterm assignment in 2022. The title refers to the layers of cultural values that have come to envelop popular...

DIY Earrings – by Brittany Goud

DIY Earrings – by Brittany Goud

Inuit Law and Film (2013) student Brittany Goud made this video for her final project. Eyes and Ear(ring)s The students in the Inuit Law and Film (Legal Theory Workshop) class once again produced a really rich variety of final projects. I was warned by one member of...

The Train Song – by Joseph Mooney

The Train Song – by Joseph Mooney

Joseph Mooney wrote this song in the context of Law 315: Business Associations, UVic Faculty of Law, 2018 (taught by Rebecca Johnson).  The song is an engagement with questions raised in J.K. Gibson-Graham et al, Take Back the Economy. Listen Here: The Train Song by...

Reframe the Economy – by David Litner

Reframe the Economy – by David Litner

David Litner created this rap for Rebecca Johnson’s 2017 Business Associations course. Reframe the Economy by David Litner LYRICS “Reframe the Economy”...

Podcast Diaries – by Jeremy Henderson

Podcast Diaries – by Jeremy Henderson

Jeremy Henderson created these Podcast Diaries pdf for Rebecca Johnson’s 2017 Business Associations course. The project details the following podcasts and their associations with the themes of the Business Associations course. DIARY PDF RECOMMENDED PODCASTS Episode...