Money Game – by Unknown

Unknown created this game for Rebecca Johnson’s Business Associations course. Players earn points in different categories including “Money,” “Buy-In,” “Momentum,” and “Well-Being.” Players start at a level 8 for buy-in, $5 for money, and 5 for well-being. Players get character cards, including Warren Buffet,  which have different advantages and disadvantages, including having an Extra Action/Turn, Losing $3, and gaining one buy-in point. Another character is the Koch Brothers, who gain an extra action/turn, lose momentum, but gain buy-in. Different action cards include “Privatize Hospitals” which means you gain $1 per turn in assets but lose wellbeing. Another action card includes Forming a Credit Union, which gains well being but loses $5. Other cards include the “Military Industrial Complex” which requires the “Defence Contracting” card and will allow you to gain $7.