Life Size: Two-Spirit – by Margaret Lovely

“Life Size: Two Spirit”

Margaret Lovely

Margaret Lovely created this project for a course taught by Gillian Calder (Law 357: Sexual Orientation and the Law).

[This] is a full sized figure that was handed in for Sexual Orientation class. It is the creation of an Indigenous student who has a partner who is is a trans-man. The figure represents the various ways she is living the life of a two-spirited person. Both the front and the back are meant to be seen and draws on different notions of what it means to be present in such a body. I have this figure in my office. I take it with me to presentations where I am talking to others of my colleagues about the transformative role projects can play in the teaching and learning of law. Teachers from the art school were just enamoured by this work.  The figure is presented as looking out the window of this room so that everyone who is passing by and looks through that window can see her.

Gillian Calder