


Hamm, C., Land, N., Yazbeck, S., Danis, I., & Brown, M. (in press). Doing pedagogical intentions with         facetiming common worlds (and Donna Haraway). Global Studies of Childhood.

Hodgins, B.D. (2019). Caring: Method as affect, obligation and action. In B.D. Hodgins (Ed.) Feminist research for 21st-century childhoods: Common worlds methods (pp. 171-178). London, England:           Bloomsbury.

Hodgins, B.D. (2019). Gender and care with young children: A feminist material approach to early childhood education. New York, NY: Routledge.

Hodgins, B.D., Yazbeck, S., & Wapenaar, K. (2019). Enacting twenty first-century early childhood              education: Curriculum as caring. In R. Langford (Ed.) Theorizing feminist ethics of care in early childhood practice: Possibilities and dangers (pp. 203-225). London, England: Bloomsbury.

Land, N. (2019). Muscling: Doing physiologies with pedagogies in education research. In B.D.

Hodgins (Ed.) Feminist research for 21st-century childhoods: Common worlds methods (pp. 73-81).                   London, England: Bloomsbury.

Land, N., Hamm, C., Yazbeck, S., Danis, I., Brown, M., & Nelson, N. (2019). Facetiming common worlds: Exchanging digital place stories and crafting pedagogical contact zones. Children’s Geographies, 15(2), 131-145.

Nelson, N. (2019). Tracking: Cultivating the “arts of awareness” in early childhood. In B.D. Hodgins (Ed.) Feminist research for 21st-century childhoods: Common worlds methods (pp. 101-110). London, England: Bloomsbury.

Nelson, N., & Hodgins, D. (forthcoming). Unruly voices: Growing climate action pedagogies with trees and children. In S. Elliot, Davis, J. & E. Ärlemalm-Hagsér, (Eds.) Researching early childhood education for sustainability: Challenging assumptions and orthodoxies (2nd ed.).

Nelson, N., Hodgins, B.D., & Danis, I. (2019). Rethinking approaches to sustainability in early childhood: Common worlding practices. Nordic Studies in Science Education (NORDiNA), 15(4), 419-432.

Yazbeck, SL, Danis, I., & Nelson, N. (2019, March 25). What happens when pedagogies and root problems collide? [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Yazbeck, SL, Danis, I., & Nelson, N. (2019, April 6). When pedagogies and root problems collide? [Blog  post]. Retrieved from:


Haro Woods, Nelson, N., Yazbeck, SL, Danis, I., Elliott, D., Wilson, J., Payjack, J., Pickup, A. (2018). With(in) the forest: (re)conceptualizing pedagogies of careJournal of Childhood Studies, 43(1), 44-59.

Nelson, N. (2018). Common worlding pedagogies: Cultivating the ‘arts of awareness’ with tracking, compost and death. (Master’s thesis). University of Victoria, BC, Canada.

Nelson, N. (2018). Rats, death, and Anthropocene relations in urban Canadian childhoods. In A.                   Cutter-Mackenzie, K. Malone, & E. Barratt Hacking, (Eds) International research handbook on childhood nature: Assemblages of childhood and nature (pp. 1-23). New York, NY: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51949-4_45-1

Nxumalo, F., Delgado, C., & Nelson, N. (2018). Pedagogical gatherings in early childhood education: Mapping interferences in emergent curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry, 48(4), 433-453. doi:10.1080/03626784.2018.1522930

Nelson, N., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., & Nxumalo, F. (2018). Rethinking nature-based approached in early childhood education: Common worlding practices. Journal of Childhood Studies, 43(1), 4-14.

Wapenaar, K., & DeSchutter, A. (2018). Becoming garden. Journal of Childhood Studies, 43(1), 81-86.


Hodgins, B.D., Thompson, D., & Kummen, K. (2017). Weavings, walks and wonderings: Stories of the         liveliness of pedagogical narrations. In A. Fleet, C. Patterson, & J. Robertson (Eds.) Pedagogical documentation in early years practice (pp. 193-206). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Land, N. (2017). Fat(s), muscle(s), movement(s) and physiologies in early childhood. Doctoral                    dissertation, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.


Hodgins, B.D. (2016). Hope and possibilities with/in car(e) pedagogies. In H. Skott-Myhre, V. Pacini-Ketchabaw, & K. Skott-Myhre (Eds.) Youth work, early education, and psychology: Liminal encounters (pp. 113-130). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Land, N. (2016). Thinking with fat: Possibilities for relating with and interrogating fat(s) in early childhood. Presented at Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth 6th International Conference: The Social, the Biological and the Material Child. Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Land, N., & Danis, I. (2016). Movement/ing provocations in early childhood education. Journal of Childhood Studies, 41(3), 26-37.

Nelson, N. (March 20, 2016). Vibrant matter(s): Figuring death within early childhood practices. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., & Clark, V. (2016). Following watery relations in early childhood pedagogies. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 14(1), 98-111.

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., Kind, S., & Kocher, L. (2016). Encounters with materials in early childhood education. New York, NY: Routledge.

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., & Kummen, K. (2016). Shifting temporal frames in children’s common worlds in the Anthropocene. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 17(4), 431-441.


Hodgins, B. D. (2015). Wandering with waste: Pedagogical wonderings about intergenerational ecological justice-to-come. Canadian Children, 40(2), 89–101.

Nelson, N., Coon, E., & Chadwick, A. (2015). Engaging with the messiness of place: Exploring animal relations, traditional hide, and drum. Canadian Children, 40(2), 43–56.

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. & Taylor, A. (2015). Unsettling pedagogies through common world encounters: Grappling with (post)colonial legacies in Canadian forests and Australian bushlands. In V. Pacini-Ketchabaw and A. Taylor (eds.) Unsettling the colonialist places and spaces of early childhood education. New York: Routledge.

Taylor, A., & Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2015). Learning with children, ants, and worms in the Anthropocene: Towards a common world pedagogy of multispecies vulnerability. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 23(4), 1-21

Yazbeck, S., & Danis, I. (2015). Entangled frictions with place as assemblage. Canadian Children, 40(2), 22–32.


Clark, V., & Elliott, D. (2014). Seeking the otherwise: Attending the complexities of listening. Journal of Childhood Studies, 39(3), 58-63.

Clark, V., & Nelson, N. (2014). Thinking with paint and water: An interview with Terry Wilson, Deanna Elliott, Diana Foreland, and Teresa Dixon. International Journal of Child, Youth, and Family Studies, 5(4.2), 854–864.

Clark, V., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., & Hodgins, B.D. (2014). Thinking with paint: Troubling settler colonialisms through early childhood art pedagogies. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 5 (4.2), 751-781.

Hodgins, B.D. (2014). Playing with dolls: (Re)storying gendered caring pedagogies. International Journal of Child Youth and Family Studies, 5(4.2), 782-807.

Hodgins, B. D. (2014). (Re)Storying dolls and cars: Gender and care with young children. Doctoral dissertation, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.

Ke, X. (2014a). Providing safe activity space for children: Indoor and outdoor safety. Shanghai Nursery and Preschool Journal, 1/2, 68-71.

Ke, X. (2014b). Managing illness and medicine in preschools. Shanghai Nursery and Preschool Journal, 3, 46-47.

Ke, X. (2014c). Earthquake and fire preparedness in preschools. Shanghai Nursery and Preschool Journal, 4, 46-47.

Ke, X. (2014d). Helping new preschoolers build a sense of security through interaction. Shanghai Nursery and Preschool Journal, 12, 42-43.


Elliott, D., & Yazbeck, S. (2013). Navigating change through wonder and dialogue. 34-41 In R. Langford & A. Di Santo (Eds.), Leading the way: Recognizing the role of early learning lab schools in Canadian universities and colleges (pp. 34-41). Retrieved from

Hodgins, B. D., Kummen, K., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V., & Thompson, D. (2013). Entangling and reconceptualizing research/practice binaries in laboratory schools in British Columbia. In R. Langford & A. Di Santo (Eds.), Leading the way: Recognizing the role of early learning lab schools in Canadian universities and colleges (pp. 42-48). Retrieved from

Ke, X. (2013). Learning from nature: Canadian children’s forest exploration trips. Shanghai Nursery and Preschool Journal, 3, 42-43.

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2013). Frictions in forest pedagogies: Common worlds in settler colonial spaces. Global Studies of Childhood, 3(4), 355-365.

Yazbeck, S. (2013). Movement and clay. Canadian Children, 38(1), 47.


Ke, X. (2012a). The strict standards of the profession: The admission criteria for Canadian early childhood educators. Shanghai Nursery and Preschool Journal, 9, 42-43.

Ke, X. (2012b). Replacing plastic toys with natural materials: One Canadian preschool’s toy reform. Shanghai Nursery and Preschool Journal, 11, 42-43.

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2012a). Acting with the clock: Clocking practices in early childhood. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 1 (2), 155-161.

Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2012b). Postcolonial entanglements: Unruling stories. Child & Youth Services, 33(3-4), 303-316.