Inquiry Work 2019-2020


“In keeping with Haraway’s argument for situated knowledge to flourish, the focus must be on building capacities of communities and not isolated persons.” (Okwany & Banu Ebrahim, 2019 p. 10)


Welcome to the CCS Pedagogical Explorations web page!

We hope it will be a useful tool for us to work with this year.  It’s already shaping up to be a wonderful year!

Collectivity …

How we bring histories, interest and curiosities to our work.

“We are our own centre, but we share space here.  What we do impacts Juniper and vice versa.  I sort of feel like we are a collective within a collective.” (Carlene, 2019)

“The world supposedly consists of…autonomous, risk-managing and self-interested individuals, for whom dependence and interdependence, solidarity and risk-sharing, stability and long-term commitment are dangerous words, capable of infecting and corrupting the perfect subject of neoliberalism….And in this world of autonomous, self-governing individuals, weaving their way through life’s myriad markets and transactions, of every man and woman for him or herself, of endlessly calculating the choices that give the best return, in this world there is no place for class or any other communal identities or solidarities nor for collective risk-sharing, problem-solving and choice making.” (Moss, p. 65, 2014)