What is Enough?
A new book joined us at Juniper Place this week, Enough is…. Written by Jessica Whipple and Illustrated by Nicole Wong.
The pages hold words that feel, on many levels, important right now.
In our supervisor meeting yesterday we spoke about our role as educators in this time. Asking ourselves what we are going to ‘Do’? What ways, in our everyday, are we going to disrupt the ‘noisy’ messaging of neoliberal ideals, consumption and the drive for economic gain above all else? Listening, seems even more important now than it did two days ago.
I would like to share these simple, yet powerful words by Jessica Whipple:
“Somewhere between a little and a lot, there is Enough. It might be hard to spot, but it’s always there. Sometimes you have to squint to see Enough past New and Better, looking so bright and shiny. Enough is hard to recognize. Hearing it is even harder. More is so loud and pushy and Most beats down your door, but Enough whispers, “I have all I need”.

Be well everyone!