
~ Atrium Space ~

Defintion of atrium in our heart:
The atrium (Latinātriumlit.'entry hall') is one of two upper chambers in the heart that receives blood from the circulatory system. The blood in the atria is pumped into the heart ventricles through the atrioventricular valves.
"In architecture, an atrium (plural: atria or atriums) is a large open-air or skylight-covered space surrounded by a building. Atria were a common feature in Ancient Roman dwellings, providing light and ventilation to the interior."
In our last pedagogical meeting, we discussed our atrium spaces. I have provided pictures of the atrium space in Harry Lou Poy and Complex A. I wanted to share the definition so we can think alongside it with our thoughts, ideas, theories and histories of the spaces we are in everyday.
"Seeping through the cracks of the door, questions and lived experiences pin themselves in this space of becoming.  Who is this public space for? Who benefits from this space, who is silenced in this space? how will we come together in the name of an event in this space?"

2 thoughts on “Atrium”

  1. Thank you Sadaf!

    I appreciate you sharing traces of atrium happenings – it’s been exciting to see renewed interest within these spaces again this year. More than anything, it’s been great to see interest and engagement when children and educators have come through to see the work in progress (hanging up of photos) and engage (‘soundpainting’ with Yard in Complex A). This has less to do with ‘products’ hanging on display than what the images and documentation signals: there is life-making project process happening here that is unique and matters (as Donna Haraway says “it matters what matters matter matters”).

    Recent happenings have included collective reflection in HLP on what the atrium ‘is for’ or ‘might enact’ – and what we are willing to actually do to make it so; rituals; movement; engagement; understandings of public/private space; what kinds of invitations we extend to families as they walk through; how to keep things lively and what that even means. These conversations have been a wonderful way for me to get to know Mary better, as well as reconnect with many of you and the children. ‘Doing something’ together always feels salient somehow, however challenging at times and I hope the traces left behind provoke something in others as well.

    Looking forward to continued mattering in the weeks and months ahead!

  2. Going to the Harry Lou Poy “Atrium” for the first time on my tour with Sadaf a month after I started, my first reaction as I stepped in the door was an utmost sense of peace within my body. A sense of belonging and a sense of contributing of thoughts ever so flowing through my head. It was like a freeway of L.A. to a slow mow in an instant where here everything made sense. I felt home. A place to invite children and parents in hoping to they or one day would feel the same. A safe place to slow it all down and relax to re-energize before stepping out the door knowing there is such a place that really exists!

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