I’ve been having some conversations about how we can share our work with families outside of a newsletter, so I wanted to share what Salal Place has set up in their yard using the back of a white board.
What they are sharing now is the work they presented at our first Pedagogical Seminar night.
Salal Place: Slowing Down
Salal Place has been thinking with the question, What conditions
are needed to share perspective on matters of care, concern and curiosity
that demand otherwise of Salal Place? We considered resisting the push to
be somewhere else other than this time. How do we slow in this moment and
stay with the movements and relationships that are underway in Salal? What
happens when we see time as not something to be consumed, but as
something to stay with?
Thank you Salal Place educators!
Fascinating questions! I’m curious if families have engaged and/or made comments. Thank you for sharing Salal Place’s white board Sadaf! Love it:)
Thanks Narda! collecting traces and finding unique ways to connect with families at the end of the day is so nice, and having it be available to children who are in the work is a part of the process and inquiry work..