Chinese New Year is like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter all rolled into one…It’s all about food and family for two weeks.” Daniel Low (in Arrais, Times Colonist, 2024), Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club, Victoria, BC
Chinese New Year is a time to feast and to visit family members. Many traditions of the season [honour] relatives who have died. The last event of the 15-day celebration is the Lantern Festival. People often hang glowing lanterns in temples or carry them during a nighttime parade. (
Celebrating the Lunar New Year with food, family and lion dances

Communities and governments will work in partnership to affirm children as citizens who are valued members of their communities and contributors to their societies. Adults will work to ensure a space where pride of languages and cultures are cultivated, and in which children can take up social and traditional responsibilities. As part of their efforts to understand, value, and accept responsibility for promoting early learning, all levels of government and all communities will work together to nurture and support children and families, and to support parents, grandparents, and other family members in their efforts to promote children's learning and overall well-being. (BC ELF, 2019, pp. 12-13).