Post from Mariko

What can we learn from forest walk?

We go forest walk at least once a week at our center. This is an important part of Cedar Place practice, something we treasure and have highlighted in our ethos statement as well. What can we learn from forest walk? On the way to the forest, children held hands to each other. This leads us to learn how to keep each other safe. While we are walking, we sing a song and look at the cars, buses, and bicycles that are passing by. We also often look at the plants, trees, and flowers on the sidewalk. Sometimes we say hi to another center’s friends.

When we go to the forest near by our center, the children sit and wait at the log that we call, ‘Waiting Log’.  This leads us to children to learn to wait until all the other friends to join safely and together we say, “Hello, Forest!” to greet the forest before we entered in to start exploring. Once we enter the forest, the children let go of each other’s hands and walk individually.



The children pick up sticks, rocks, and leaves on their way to the place called the ‘Round About’, a spot where the children can freely run, walk, and explore.

When they get to the ‘Round About’ the children freely explore the forest area. Some children climb on the tree and jump off.  Other children use sticks to write a line on the ground, and some children look up and wonder where the tree sap was coming from.





What ways of being do we promote during our visits to Haro Woods? What about the children and families who were removed from these lands? They had/have their own ways of knowing and being that pre-date our arrival on Chekonein family lands. This is something Cedar Place has been thinking with and trying to presence in our own way through documentation on walls for families to see: Mariko (witness blanket image)

There is so much wonder in exploring and things that we can learn while we are in the forest. Sometimes we just lay down on the ground, look at the tall trees, and listen to the birds singing. It is so peaceful and calm in the forest. We are fortunate and blessed to have access to the beautiful forest right beside our complex.

Narration by Mariko on April 7, 2023