Month: March 2020
Quote of the day: Mary Annaïse Heglar
Collective action will be much more effective in accomplishing the big, systemic change we truly need…
Both the coronavirus crisis and the climate crisis reveal that our world is inextricably interconnected, and it’s as strong or as fragile as those connections. We have to strengthen those connections. It is our only choice. The sun is going to rise again. And I’ll be right there with you. It may not feel like it, but whether we are miles apart or just six feet, we are all in this together. (Heglar, 2020, para. 20)
Heglar, M. A. (2020, March 25). What Climate Grief Taught Me About the Coronavirus: How to find humanity amid an ever-present dread. The New Republic.
Protected: Re-living the Pedagogical Moments (Ildikó, March 28, 2020)
Protected: Grateful (Teresa, March 27, 2020)
Protected: Deer-Time Virus-Time (Morgan, March 27, 2020)
Protected: ‘turning about with’ (Narda, March 27, 2020)
Protected: Moments of Meeting (Sherri-Lynn, March 27, 2020)
Protected: What’s next for us? (David, March 26, 2020)
Quote of the day: Peter Moss
Early childhood education can never exist as a separate entity, divorced from the world around it. It is no magic cure-all and should never work in isolation. Most obviously it has relationships with other sectors of education, as well as with other areas of social policy. More broadly, if it acknowledges its contribution to future building, it must engage with other actors who also want to future build, for example organisations and movements working on issues such as sustainable development, participatory democracy, and social justice. This means, for example, creating what have been termed ‘pedagogical meeting places’ for early childhood, primary, secondary, higher and adult education, replacing the current obsession with ‘readiness’ (for the next stage of education) by opening up for dialogue and the creation of a new and shared ‘diagnosis of our times’, new and shared images of the child, new and shared understandings of education, learning and knowledge, and new and shared pedagogical practice. (Moss, 2017, p. 26)