Methods for Speculative Pedagogies - A Research Conversation on 'Walking-with' Wednesday, December 11, 5:30 - 7p.m. Location: Bldg A Atrium Guest Speaker: Vanessa Winoneok, PhD Candidate, Edith Cowan University, Perth Australia, W.A. Australia.
Vanessa is “interested in experimental and creative methodologies [and is] currently developing speculative pedagogies by walking-with Derbarl Yerrigan, educators, and young children in Perth.” She will present to us on her ongoing ‘walking-with’ research with Mindy Blaise, educators and children in Perth, Australia.
For those of you who are able to attend, you might find Weather Wanderings (Blaise, Rooney & Pollitt, 2019) valuable to look at prior the session. It is a 3-page article that is grounded in walking-with weather pedagogies.
We wander: not to watch children progress to the next developmental milestone, nor to see them navigate a weather world where they are at the centre, but, rather, to wonder with unfolding, lively and, sometimes, unruly weathering-with relations. Our weather wanderings are a type of ‘slowing down’ that Isabelle Stengers (2018) advocates. It renders us attentive (Stengers, 2015), and opens new pathways and possibilities for coming to know the world.